the art of


“Loved to be called as a Candid Photographer.”

About Myself

Welcome to my whimsical world of wedding photography! I may have started my photography journey in the wild, chasing after elusive creatures with my camera in hand, but my true passion lies in capturing the wild love and unforgettable moments of couples on their special day. From prowling the Amazon rainforest to capturing stunning real estate shots, I’ve dabbled in various genres, but weddings hold a special place in my heart.

Why do I love wedding photography? Well, besides the fact that it allows me to witness love stories unfold like a real-life romantic comedy, it’s the perfect opportunity to indulge my quirky sense of humor. Weddings are joyous occasions filled with laughter, tears, and hilarious moments that make for the most memorable photographs. I’m the kind of photographer who will climb a tree or do a happy dance just to get that perfect shot. Trust me, I’ve seen it all!


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